
Group run

The indoor and outdoor walk in freezers!

15 GoodGymers made their way 11.0km to help the FareShare West Midlands in Birmingham.

  • Morwenna Kearns
  • Aidan Wheeler
  • Jonny Carter
  • Rob
  • Garry
  • Lee Swinerd
  • Maria Fernandez
  • Karin
  • Laura Smith
  • Dionne Donnelly
  • Lucy Howard
  • David Halford
  • Aaron
  • David Thompson
  • Birmingham runner
Tuesday, 16th of January 2018
Led by Jonny Carter

15 people ran 11k to organise a food order for Fareshare

On an even colder night than last week we had fifteen hardy Goodgymers ready to do some good! We welcomed GG first timer Lucy to the ranks, who definitely chose a challenging run to start off with! After the intro’s we were out into the ‘natural walk in freezer’! for the 5.5k run to Fareshare.

Garry and Aaron got the short straw

Once arriving at our destination, running at a fair old clip in the process, the group were ready to get to work. Fareshare is were Dionne works so she did a great job organising everyone. She had a clip board, which always makes you look important 😉 Garry and Aaron stood in the truck getting passed all the items, now why this might be considered as the short straw, was because the back of the van was basically a walk-in freezer! In the summer I think we would have had a queue for their job…but at one degree celcius maybe not tonight! It was that cold that Luke, the only person in just t-shirt and shorts managed to get himself a cup of tea during the task! The group took around 30 minutes, everyone mucked in getting the van fully loaded and Garry and Aaron didn’t get frost bite, so jobs a good un!!

Even colder on the way back?!

Once the task was complete we went back out into the cold and now it really did feel like a walk-in freezer! It certainly had gotten colder, with the arctic type wind, but that didn’t deter us GoodGymer's, well we had to get back somehow, so off we went, once arriving at 1000 Trades we had done 7 miles! Or 11.5k, so excellent work everyone! I hope you are all now relaxing at home, with the heating on!

Next week is GoodGym Brum’s 1st anniversary would you believe?! So, after the run we will be having a celebratory social. Unfortunately, I can’t promise beer garden weather, but I can promise a good time, so it would be great if you could join us sign up here

Report written by Jonny Carter

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Dave Johnson
Dave Johnson
Tuesday January 16th, 2018 23:43

Sorry I never made it guys - just ran out of time. Then again, looking at the temperatures... #sorrynotsorry Well done on the GoodWork done this evening!

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Leafleting for Change Kitchen

Tuesday 18:00 - 19:45
Led by Miriam
171 Pineapple Road

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