
Group run

The Gloves Were Off - Literally!!

6 GoodGymers made their way 3.0km to help their local community in Crewe.

  • Nicola Marshall
  • Karen Whitehead
  • Phil
  • Maurice Fitzgerald
  • Nigel Whitehead
  • Ian Mumford
Wednesday, 27th of September 2023
Led by Nicola Marshall

This Evening we are going to see some strong blustery winds coming in from the east, with large downpours of rain… everywhere!

Luckily for us, they got the weather forecast wrong (nothing unusual there!) Well… mostly! We did get hit by a little bit of rain, but it lasted no more than five minutes!!

Tonight we were back with at the wonderful charity that is Motherwell. We were asked if we’d tidy up their garden in preparation for the winter. This involved mostly getting rid of old plants and shrubs from the raised beds and generally clearing up the plants that died/finished flowering.

Before getting set to work though, Karen, Nigel, Maurice, Phil, Ian, and Nicola, set offl on a brisk walk to blow off the cobwebs and get the heart rate up!

We set off from the estate where the Motherwell building is, and headed down to towards the park at a pretty brisk pace (Karen, most definitely leading the way on this). We had a lovely walk which included one lap of the Crewe Parkrun route. As always, we had a good natter as we went and before we knew it, we’d clocked up quite a few steps!!

Back at the task, we kitted ourselves out with gloves and a few tools and then Nigel took responsibility for picking the tomatoes while the rest of us got stuck in clearing the raised beds and having a general tidy up. It was strangely therapeutic to pull the dead plants up from the root and get rid of them .

We did have a puzzle to be solved this evening but unfortunately, we didn’t succeed…. Ian lost a bright red gardening glove somewhere, and despite searching for it, it wasn’t to be found anywhere!!! 🤷‍♀️ No idea where that was hiding!! No doubt it will turn up when it’s least expected!!

And finally…. Drum roll please… a BIG shout out to Karen who this evening achieved her 200th Goodgym task!! What an utterly amazing achievement!!! We are so proud of you. You are so dedicated and committed to Goodgym. Thank you for everything you do!! ❤

Well done everyone on another fantastic task!

Have a great week and see you all soon!

Loads of love Nicola Xxx

Report written by Nicola Marshall

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Jack Da Silva
Jack Da Silva
Tuesday October 17th, 2023 10:19

well done all, great to see this!

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Supporting The RSPCA - Date TBC

Wednesday, 7th of August 2024 18:00 - 20:00
Led by Nicola Marshall

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