
Group run

The bench is always greener on the otherside

21 GoodGymers made their way 3.4km to help the Sanctuary Family Support in Liverpool.

  • Eimear McClafferty
  • Sam Knott
  • Sophie McClellan
  • Char Binns
  • Pauline Harrison
  • John Connaghan
  • Christina Donovan
  • Paul
  • Liverpool runner
  • Yan
  • Becky Selman
  • Chris Armitage
  • Liverpool runner
  • Chris Houseman
  • Effie
  • Claire
  • Tim Dwyer
  • Basma
  • Ruth Ashton
  • Dione
  • Kim Eakin
Monday, 5th of August 2019
Led by Char Binns

On yet another beautiful sunny evening, a totally rad 21 runners ran 3km to help out at a new task.

After a rather long trail run on Friday, I was suffering from a bit of a dodgy ankle so our brilliant Run Leader John led the way and I filled in as back marker.

Just 1.5km from our base, we arrived at Sanctuary F.S. and met with founder Maddy, who told us about this brilliant charity that cares for those struggling with addiction, as well as their families and close friends. It was our first time helping this project and Maddy was a little overwhelmed by how many people were happy to spend their Monday evening doing good in their city.

There were 2 main tasks - painting the garden benches green and painting a consultation room magnolia. As there were so many of us, some of the runners also got involved sweeping and weeding the garden and planting flowers. While a small group went outside and started an impromptu litter pick.

Shout out to newbies Dione and Kim who got stuck in and made themselves useful at the task, as well as easily keeping pace on the run. We'd love for you to run with us again soon.

After the task my ankle was feeling okay so I led the group back to base via one of the team's fave Liverpool landmarks - the Met Cathedral. Having read about an 11,000 step staircase race last week, I asked the team if they were up to it. Their goal was so see how many times they could traverse the 50 odd steps up to the cathedral entrance in 3 minutes. They all got really stuck in and dug deep while their legs burnt. Not quite 11,000 steps but a truly admirable effort - well done team!

Next week we're taking it to the streets with a litter pick in the L8 area of the city. Please bring gloves and your usual bags of enthusiasm. Find out more and sign-up here. See you then <3

Report written by Char Binns

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Char Binns
Led by Char Binns

(she/her) Top Dog at Bookhounds, the club for geeky runners. Former GG Liverpool Trainer. Plant-powered, tea snob, a bit corny.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • John Connaghan
  • Walk Leader

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Pauline Harrison

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Teaming up with Friends of Everton Park!

Monday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Sallyann Hardwick
'A Case History' by John King (The Suitcases)

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