Kingston upon Thames

Community mission

Spring has sprung and we’re literally in full bloom 🌼

2 GoodGymers made their way to help the Marie Curie in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Kingston upon Thames runner
Friday, 22nd of February 2019
Led by Kingston upon Thames runner

The hat returns!

With a couple of hours on a Friday afternoon to spare, Martel and Samia decided to keep themselves out of mischief and join a shift for the Marie Curie Daffodil Appeal at Tesco. Spring has well and truly sprung (for now, at least...) and we were lucky enough to be able to bask in the sun, stood outside the entrance.

And if customers weren't dazzled by the sun, they were by the outfits. After thinking that she'd had a lucky escape from The Hat and tabard, Martel was clearly overjoyed at being given Samia's hat to pose in - and then was left with it to wear for the rest of the hour. Martel, you're welcome!

Donations were a plenty throughout the shift, some telling us their personal reasons for giving and many happily accepting a daffodil pin in return. After greeting customers as a human daffodil for an hour, Martel headed off to work, whilst Samia clearly resented having given away the hat wearing honour so decided to stay on for a little longer to keep the other volunteer company.

Shift completed, The Hat was returned with the tabard and now-quite-weighty collection jars, and all that's left to do it await the reveal of the Grand Total once the co-ordinator has added each jar up.

Well done Martel on your first community mission - and thank you for the great company!

Report written by Kingston upon Thames runner

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Led by Samia

GoodGym Kingston upon Thames runner

GoodGymers helping out
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    • Kingston upon Thames runner

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Create a window display for the British Heart Foundation shop

Tuesday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Rachel White
The Quaker Centre

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