
Group run

Spring Clean if you want to go faster.....

4 GoodGymers made their way 5.2km to help the Keep Wales Tidy in Cardiff.

  • Michael
  • Andrew Skelton
  • Alex Lowe
  • Huw Evans
Tuesday, 19th of March 2024
Led by Michael

Welcome to their first task Huw, and back to their second task Alex. Also a SHOUT OUT for bringing them along.


Tonight we help out on the Great British Spring Clean 2024. Back for its ninth year, the Great British Spring Clean is the nation’s biggest mass-action environmental campaign.

Pledging to take part couldn’t be easier, simply pledge as an individual, a group or a school and let them know how many bags you pledge to pick up. 

Last year, the army of amazing #LitterHeroes pledged to pick more than 400,000 bags of litter.

Can they count on you to help clean up the places and spaces we love this spring, as Keep Britain Tidy celebrates its landmark 70th year of protecting the environment?

We had already taken part in a virtual litter pick on Sunday, where everyone that signs up joins in and does a quick litter pick of their local area.

Tonight we were in our usual group, a nice planned run each way of 2.5km and the break in the middle to litter pick one of our parks. A little wetter than usual but good light raining for running, we managed a good couple of full sized bin bags.

We love taking part in this each year.

Join us again for our next task, always Tuesdays. Go on.... Give us a try

Report written by Michael

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Led by Michael

Goodgym Area Activator for Cardiff & the Vale, I believe in the transformative power of running & the Arts

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31 Group Task - Global Gardens

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Michael
Glassworks, Westminster Bldg

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