
Group run

Small but mighty

3 GoodGymers made their way 3.0km to help the Tiny Forests UK (Ladywell Fields site) in Lewisham.

  • Kim Parker
  • Linda Gatley
  • Lindsay Ramsey
Monday, 22nd of April 2024
Led by Kim Parker

A small but mighty group of GoodGymers gathered to tackle the remaining woodchip at the Tiny Forest. Part of the group even gathered at a new start point and then met Linda at the Tiny Forest with all the tools.

The main task for the evening was to make the area around the benches look more inviting. We pulled up the weeds that we could and cut back the grass and any other weeds then covered them in a big layer of mulch to hopefully stop the weeds coming back through.

Hopefully the space will be more inviting for people walking through Ladywell Fields so they can sit and admire the growing saplings!

On Monday, we're heading to Catford to continue flyering for Coco Collective Community Garden.

Report written by Kim Parker

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Jack Da Silva
Jack Da Silva
Friday May 17th, 2024 14:27

great work all!

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Help in the garden at the Ladywell Unit

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Kim Parker
Glass Mill Leisure Centre

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