
Community mission

Sensory overload......of Goodgym runners!

9 GoodGymers made their way 3.0km to help the Oshi's World in Cardiff.

  • Emma Wilkins
  • Fiona Guy
  • Nathan Swain
  • Charlotte Dawes
  • Darren
  • Amy Wildgoose
  • Sophie Hughes
  • Rachel Eales
  • Cardiff runner
Thursday, 13th of September 2018
Led by Darren

This Thursday evening, 9 Goodgym runners met at Byrd Crescent Community hall in Penarth for, quite aptly, a Community mission! They were met by Helen, who is Oshi's auntie and a Director of the charity. She told the group all about this amazing charity that organise events and arrange gatherings for disabled children. Their latest venture was the Sensory garden that had been built on the grounds of the community hall. Goodgym were in attendance to help by painting all the woodwork in the garden to ensure it is protected through the winter.

The group made quick work of painting the planters, mud kitchen, fencing, and sensory toys and even musical chimes. They began by cleaning the mud and dust off everything before breaking into team to attack the task. There was only a limited number of brushes so the team alternating in the painting and even cleared up and swept up all the leaves from the paved areas.

The runners chatted and joked as they completed the task. Helen is also a keen runner who is running the Cardiff Half Marathon for the first time. We shared our own experiences and some training tips to give her the confidence she would smash it and enjoy it come October. The runners were on their way an hour later and we hope to return to work with Oshi's world again really soon.

Oshi's World are a local charity based in Penarth, South Wales. Inspired by a little boy called Oshi, the founders set out to create an accessible social, sensory and play space for children with disabilities.

Currently they run every Saturday at Byrd Crescent Community hall between 10- 1 and have an open access policy where families can drop in, free of charge, at any time during this session. You will find parents and carers enjoying a cuppa while the children chill in the sensory den, get creative with our arts and crafts, enjoy a story and make friends. The official Sensory Garden launch will be the 29th September - Goodgym has an open invite.

Report written by Darren

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Led by Darren

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