

Santa Claus is coming to Chicken Town

11 GoodGymers made their way 1km to have an amazing time in Haringey.

  • Sarah Moore
  • Brighton runner
  • Andy Doyle
  • Dave Mansfield
  • Manish
  • Ellie Smith
  • Vic Tweedie
  • Barnet runner
  • Louise
  • Manny
  • Anita Ernszt
Wednesday, 14th of December 2016

Ten GoodGym Haringey runners new and old went to Chicken Town after our final run of 2016, with Dave definitely winning Best Dressed in his sequinned Santa hat. Though Olli came a close second with a cracker of a moustache (see the photos)....

Varon had already taken off on his Christmas holiday but his presence was felt as he had left a card and a stack of our Haringey Time Credits in the restaurant. Chicken Town are hosting a free dinner for disadvantaged local people so we decided to donate the rest of our time credits to people attending the dinner (after distributing the bulk of them to four local organisations).

Crackers were pulled, bad jokes were told, Christmas plans discussed, and the fortune telling fish told us all we are independent and fickle.

Have a happy Christmas and New Year everyone and see you all on our first group run of 2017!

ps thanks to Olli for the pun!

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Brighton runner
Brighton runner
Friday December 16th, 2016 16:13

Top report :)

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Blue House Yard

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