
Community mission

Practical support in Marston

1 GoodGymer made their way to help their local community in Oxford.

  • Ben Foster
Saturday, 4th of April 2020
Led by Ben Foster

As part of the volunteering effort with Oxford Together, I am on-call in case any locals lodge for practical support nearby. This week I had the pleasure of taking a yappy chihuahua called Tai for a walk around Northway. The owner is still able to get out but was very thankful to know that someone nearby could be quickly called upon if Tai needs a bit more exercise!

A young family in Marston were also in need for a substantial family shop this week. Armed with an 80% ethanol spray, lab gloves and hand sanitiser and keeping my distance from other shoppers, I managed to get virtually everything on the list and drop it off to the flat in Marston. They were very thankful and will contact me if they need more next week or in the near future.

Next time I am out and about, I will try to get some pics but for now there is a picture of Northway near Marston from where I live.

Report written by Ben Foster

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Anwen Greenaway
Anwen Greenaway
Sunday April 5th, 2020 11:23

Well done Ben: I feel like I need to see a photo of the chihuahua next time!

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