
Community mission

Pallet Earth

3 GoodGymers made their way to help the StarGarAllot Community Garden in Cardiff.

  • Michael
  • Layla Dockerty
  • Alex Kay
Sunday, 15th of January 2023
Led by Michael

On a suprising rainy day, three goodgymers went to a community allotment to help out.

We welcome two new people into the goodgym group, Layla and Alex.


Our first task was to move some pallets over to the stack, to get it to the correct height. Once done it was time to move the water tank to it's new location. But first we had to wait for some of the water to empty out so that it was lighter, so some quick tidying up of the site. Benches picked up and put back, lids put onto compost bins.

Let's do this

Time to move the giant water butt over to create the new water tower....And for the old area, we still have time to dismantle the structure and move the compost into the nice new bins.

Thanks for coming out on a damp day and we hope to see you again soon.

Report written by Michael

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31 Group Task - Global Gardens

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Michael
Glassworks, Westminster Bldg

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