
Training session

No rest for the wicked

4 GoodGymers made their way on a training session in Norwich.

  • Steven Hitcham
  • Elizabeth H
  • Liz Kerr
  • Mark Webber
Monday, 16th of November 2020
Led by Steven Hitcham

Tonight's fitness session included:

4 rounds of:

Star-jumps (40 secs on, 20 secs rest). Mountain Climbers (40 secs on, 20 secs rest). Plank (40 secs on, 20 secs rest). Squats (40 secs on, 20 secs rest).

Report written by Steven Hitcham

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Volunteer @ the new Priscilla Bacon Hospice

Monday 18:00 - 19:45
Led by Steven Hitcham
Colney Lane Pavilion

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