
Group run

Never Mind The Bobbins

7 GoodGymers made their way 8.0km to help the Ealing Repair Cafe in Ealing.

  • Mike C
  • Ealing runner
  • Ealing runner
  • Hammersmith and Fulham runner
  • Sevan
  • Kash
  • Hammersmith and Fulham runner
Tuesday, 23rd of April 2024
Led by Kash

Ealing Repair Cafe encourages people to take positive steps to help the environment by recycling old clothes rather than discarding them. The founder of the organisation, Mary, runs sessions to teach people techniques like sewing, patching and darning to give fabrics a second life. Tonight, Mary hosted a special workshop for GoodGymers - a thank you for our support in promoting the Reduce and Recycle Hub where Ealing Repair Cafe have its stall.

The objective tonight was to make bunting out of salvaged denim and other pieces of material that Ealing Repair Cafe could later donate to various community groups to use at festivals. The secondary task was a real treat: create a GoodGym flag out of scraps!

Excited about making the GoodGym banner, team Hammersmith & Fulham: Analiese and Divya, together with Kash made a start at cutting out the templates for the sign.

Christos, Mike, Milly and Sevan opted for the bunting task and set off to attach the triangle pieces of material onto a tape with pins. Mary gave Sevan and Christos a refresher on operating a sewing machine - something they did last time in school! Milly, an upcycling enthusiast herself, didn't need additional special instructions on how to sew and also had a go on the machine. The device kept playing up. Just imagine Milly's expression when she discovered the bobbin had come off while she was sewing the bunting together. Despite the technical obstacles, several strings of bunting have been created!

In the meantime, Team Flag cut out the letters from red fabric and played with composing them into words. Mdog, dog gym, mood? Eventually, the GoodGym logo emerged - but improved! - with the ABBA-style sparkly symbols at the top! The team then pinned the logo onto the purple background material chosen by Mike. That's when we run out of time for tonight.

If you fancy helping Mary from the Ealing Repair Cafe get more people interested in repairing or recycling their clothes, come down to Acton this Thursday and spread the word about the Reduce and Recycle Hub.

Next week, we are changing our trade again - from tailors to boxers! Don't miss the group run where we will be Knocking out the mess at Hanwell School of Boxing charity!

Report written by Kash

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Led by Kash

Running? Lifting? I'll do that only for GoodGym.

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Summer Shrubbin' at Lammas Orchard ❤️🌳

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Sevan
Bodyline Studio

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