
Group run

Mulch Ado About Nothing

5 GoodGymers made their way 4.0km to help the Heeley Development Trust in Sheffield.

  • James Smith
  • Sheffield runner
  • Natalie G
  • Ines
  • Sheffield runner
Monday, 20th of May 2024
Led by James Smith

3 rouge clad runners set off from The Showroom cinema in search of pastures new.  These pastures were to be found at Heeley People's Park, where the grass is always greener.

Upon arriving at the children's play area of the park, we found Rob all set up and ready for us. We also welcomed into our team Michelle and Linda who were waiting for us at the park.

Take heed, the woodchip is always browner on the other side!

Our task for the evening was to turn over all of the woodchip on the active play areas. As they say, the woodchip is always browner on the other side; a valuable life lesson.!

During our timber tossing, Ines disclosed that she plays badminton, and it turns out she has played against James' mum. The village that is Sheffield strikes again! 

Turfing over a new leaf

As we were ploughing our way through the play areas, a member of the public was so impressed by our actions that he decided to get stuck in himself; a potential future GG member for sure! Our mini, mighty team managed to turn over all of the woodchip in one area so quickly that we had time to complete a second.

After a solid shifting session, we sewed it up, said goodbye to Reliable Rob, then set off back to base. Some Indian running was on the cards for the return journey. Though on this particular occasion it did not transpire due to a lack of return runners.

Report written by James Smith

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James Smith
Led by James Smith

Previously AA of Barnsley GG. I was torn between Barnsley and Sheffield :)

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Natalie G

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Heeley People's Park - Preparing for the Handlebards!

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Tom Mutton
Showroom Cinema

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