
Community mission

Marvelous mud picking

4 GoodGymers made their way to help the Surfers Against Sewage and Bristol Waste in Bristol.

  • Bristol runner
  • Russ Cahill
  • Jason Thorne
  • Anna Hayward
Saturday, 21st of January 2023
Led by Bristol runner

Six runner made their way out to the Portway to pick litter just below the suspension bridge. It was the first time since last summer that we went out this way to collect rubbish and the site looked a bit different... a large chunk seemed to have been washed away in one of the recent floods so the area we could safely enter and clean was noticeably smaller. We still managed to fill six big bags of rubbish in one hour and while doing so marveled about some rather random items that were washed up on shore. Mark from SAS was, as ever, the most daring and went after rubbish that seemed a bit too close to the water/mud for the rest of us. Meanwhile, the rest of us tried to stay warm whilst stomping through the frozen mud hunting for rubbish.

Great work everyone!

Report written by Bristol runner

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Jason Thorne
Jason Thorne
Monday January 23rd, 2023 20:40

Was a great morning despite being grey/misty

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Sarah Kappel
Led by Sarah Kappel

GoodGym Bristol runner

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Russ Cahill

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Group Run - 30 Jul

Tuesday 18:20 - 20:05
Led by Melanie Young

GG Corner of Queen Square

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