
Community mission

Many Hands Make Light Work

11 GoodGymers made their way to help the Redbridge Mutual Aid FoodBank in Redbridge.

  • Jenny McCurry
  • Redbridge runner
  • Linda Sharman
  • James C
  • York runner
  • Yasmine Li
  • Nargis
  • Pauline Joan
  • Anit
  • Mike Clare
  • Jayvardhan Reddy Vanchireddy
Saturday, 14th of January 2023
Led by Linda Sharman

Wow! What an amazing turn out of GG members we had at Frenford Foodbank today. We had 9 signed up initially, some late sign ups and some too late to sign ups (who turned up anyway 😊) and a couple who also brought friends along. I did my best to ensure everyone was included in the photos, sincere apologies if anyone still got lost in the crowd.

A big welcome to newcomer Jay who not only turned up for his first Good Gym session and got stuck straight in he brought a friend who also got stuck in and is now planning to join GG. Talking of which Pauline also brought a very helpful friend who is now thinking of joining up.

Its always a little busy at these sessions but with a additional massive donation arriving this week and so many people me "organised chaos" is the expression that comes to mind. As usual everyone got on with the job of preparing food packages, dealing with the lack of space with grace, courtesy and agility.

Between helping the drivers out with deliveries, we set about organising the huge delivery and pretty soon there were big spaces and empty crates where walls of goods had been, and a full storage shed and replenished shelves appeared ready for the next one.

It has been suggested that if they get another big donation of goods like that again that it would be a good idea for an additional session before we prepare the orders.

Good Job Good Gym and Friends 😁

Report written by Linda Sharman

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Redbridge runner
Redbridge runner
Sunday January 15th, 2023 13:21

Well done everyone, wow what a fantastic turn out and always great to see friends and family joinining is as well!

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Monday, 5th of August 2024 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Peter Van Tongeren
Wanstead House Community Association

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