
Community mission

Maniac afternoon at the food bank!

2 GoodGymers made their way to help the Food Bank Aid in Barnet.

  • Simone
  • Cloud
Sunday, 3rd of December 2023
Led by Cloud

Simone and Claudia met at the Food Bank Aid this afternoon and spent few hours helping out organise all the food deliveries.

We were joined by another Food Bank volunteer and the three of us worked none stop to complete what seemed like an impossible task.

We got there and there were food bags and Sainsbury’s and Tesco crates everywhere. Have a look at the before and after pictures.

The team did a cracking job!

Keep up the great work.

Peas & loaf GGers!

Report written by Cloud

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Monday December 4th, 2023 19:29

Well done Cloud,such a great cause. Look forward to helping again sokn.

Monday December 4th, 2023 19:30


Monday December 4th, 2023 19:39

Thanks for coming @simone ! Glad you enjoyed it!

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Led by Cloud

UK Athletics LiRF qualified Run Leader | Life Coach | Wanna-be-athlete 😂

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