
Community mission

Like a Circle In A Spiral, Like a Wheel Within a Wheel (that’s how it felt finishing this task)

4 GoodGymers made their way to help the Bradbury Fields in Liverpool.

  • Matthew
  • Pauline Harrison
  • Liverpool runner
  • Sallyann Hardwick
Sunday, 3rd of July 2022
Led by Matthew

What a day it turned out to be. 12 tandem bikes set out, well eleven and a half, as Sallyann’s partner sadly couldn’t make it but she still did the ride on her solo bike (well done Sallyann).

Pauline, Rowan, and Mat were the other GoodGym riders. We were aiming to take our back riders round either the 25 or 50 mile course, which ended up being 30 and 57 due to last minute changes to the course.

There were hundreds of riders of all descriptions from the ultra-serious, to the never really got on a bike before. It didn’t matter because the atmosphere was amazing and hardly a moment went by when you weren’t near another cyclist.

The favourite part of the journey has to have been turning right and seeing the Anglican Cathedral, knowing you’re only a couple of miles from the end, but the toughest part lay ahead, which was the incline out of the tunnel.

Everyone got round safely and so hopefully we have given some of the good folk of Bradbury Field’s, who are blind/partially sighted, the chance to do something they’d never normally be able to do. We must never take our senses for granted.

There was talk at the end of people wanting to do the full 100 miles next year, even though some of the saddles were a little hard to sit on shall we say. So, who knows what next year may bring? Amazing effort. Well done all.

Report written by Matthew

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Led by Matthew

Actor, turned lawyer, turned Good Gym(er) from down south

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Teaming up with Friends of Everton Park!

Monday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Sallyann Hardwick
'A Case History' by John King (The Suitcases)

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