
Community mission

Lending a helping hand

3 GoodGymers made their way to help the Bishop Aldhelm's C.E. V.A. Primary School in Bournemouth.

  • Caprice McWilliams
  • Daryl Venner
  • Hannah
Monday, 24th of April 2023
Led by Bournemouth runner

Today's mission was to help paint a playground wall ready for a new mural. The rain clouds couldn't deter these GoodGymers from their Misson to help Neil at Bishop's Aldhelm's School. Daryl got to work cutting back the hedge, Hannah sweeping up the mess and Caprice helped Neil brush the wall ready for the first coat of paint. Once the wall was prepped, everyone got to work painting and it didn't take long until the wall was covered. A very grateful Neil thanked the gang and they then headed home. I'm sure that GoodGym will be back to help him with some other projects so watch this space.

Report written by Caprice McWilliams

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GoodGym Bournemouth Run Leader

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writers

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Hannah
    • Daryl Venner
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • Hannah
    • Caprice McWilliams
    • Daryl Venner
  • Document Checker

    Check the documents of GoodGymers applying for a DBS

    • Daryl Venner

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To finish sanding and painting the log cabin in Boscombe Chine Gardens

Monday, 5th of August 2024 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Caprice McWilliams
Kings Park Cricket Pavillion

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