
Group run

Leaf it to GoodGym

5 GoodGymers made their way 2.0km to help the Parvaaz Project in Slough.

  • Manjit Birk
  • Slough runner
  • Pam Banga
  • Mehdi
  • Hamid
Monday, 4th of December 2023
Led by Manjit Birk

What do you do when you need your outdoor space swept of leaves - you leaf it to GoodGym of course!

We love coming to Parvaaz Project to help with their outdoor space. They were our second ever task owner back in 2018 and we always try to come back to help them whenever we can.

With a very wet night, we wanted a good run at getting the task completed in good time. So we rolled up our s-leaf-s and got to work. We worked together as a team in the back garden first, making sure we all worked safely and with enough lights so we could see our way round. Luckily for us we had Pam as our 'Lady of the lamp' as at one point she had 3 lights on her giving us the light we needed.

All in all we collected 9 bags of wet leaves! What a re-leaf!

A short but sweet task tonight all completed in a super quick time.

Report written by Manjit Birk

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Manjit Birk
Led by Manjit Birk

Area Activator for Slough....Running is my passion....Marathons to park runs and anything in between.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Slough runner
  • Walk Leader

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Pam Banga
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Pam Banga

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St Mary's Church Clean Up x 6th Birthday Fun

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Manjit Birk
Upton Court Park

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