
Group run

LEADing the way

6 GoodGymers made their way 5.0km to help their local community in Newcastle.

  • Anji Andrews
  • Paul Andrews
  • Newcastle runner
  • Angela Gray
  • Beth Paxton
  • Oliver
Monday, 3rd of April 2023
Led by Paul Andrews

The fourth and final Guide Dogs NE leaflet task was on the cards tonight and what a lovely night it was!

Paul took care of the first pup related task of the evening- cuddling Stepney Bank Stables resident doggo Scout, while we waited for the others to arrive. A quick catch up about the weekend's community missions with Greening Wingrove and Urban Green Newcastle, a few mobility exercises and we were off. Paul led the runners while Angela and I met at the meeting point Monkchester Community Centre.

This was the last leaflet drop for our four legged friends and their humans at Guide Dogs NE, as we shared opportunities to foster a guide dog with families in the area. Despite my highly dubious maths in "sharing" the leaflets out, we were all done in record time, 100 leaflets dropped in just 20 minutes!

Woof woof!

An easier downhill run made it a pleasant journey back and we enjoyed a stretch, loving the fact that it was still light. A really reBARKable start to the week.

There are two chances to do good things this weekend: a big gardening session with Ouseburn Trust on Saturday and volunteering at Saltwell junior parkrun on Sunday. We hope you can make it along for a cracking Easter weekend happening.

Report written by Anji Andrews

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Paul Andrews
Led by Paul Andrews

GoodGym Newcastle Run Leader

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Anji Andrews
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Anji Andrews
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Newcastle runner

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Plogging and leafleting in Byker

Monday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Anji Andrews

Stepney Bank Stables

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