

King bed of Rock n Roll 🕺

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Bexley.

  • Sarah Lee
  • Adriana Nobre Lawrence
Sunday, 24th of March 2019

It was a lovely, bright sunny Sunday morning as I made my way to meet Adriana at the mission.
We met outside the flat and waited for the neighbour to arrive who would be letting us into the property and advising us of what needed to be done inside to allow for Mr C to receive his hospital bed and return home. Upon entering the property and making our way up the stairs, the neighbour informed us that Mr C used to be an Elvis impersonator and showed us the photos that hung from the walls of his time performing as well as posters in tribute to Elvis and other various Hollywood stars.

It looked like we had a big task on hand. In order to make room for the hospital bed, we needed to rearrange the bedroom, moving the bed against the wall to make room for all of the personal belongings from the other room to be moved into the bedroom. It was not long before the room was now clear and there was plenty of space for the new hospital bed which will be safer and more comfortable for Mr C.

Job done!

Report written by Sarah Lee

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Alix Guerber
Alix Guerber
Monday March 25th, 2019 12:41

Well done both, sounds like a lovely mission!

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