
Community mission

It’s not a Plog, it’s a Plun

4 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Birmingham.

  • John Hayes
  • Jonny Carter
  • Amy
  • Abbie Priestley
Saturday, 31st of October 2020
Led by Jonny Carter

This litter picking task had been in doubt due to the weather forecast, but we decided to plough ahead, especially because Abbie had decided to join us. It had been quite a mild morning, but true to form, our end of Storm Aiden unleashed itself just as we collectively arrived. I found Jonny on the way to the Jamboree Stone. He had run to the park in his GoodGym top and shorts, and was now soaked through. So, he had to turn his pick into a plog, or at Jonny’s pace it is more like a plun on his way back home to dry off, and I got my far more appropriate waterproof coat, GoodGym sweatshirt and wellies on to join Amy and Abbie. We got ourselves very wet and muddy as we pushed through the bushes and brambles, finding cans, bottles and the odd abandoned shoe. It had taken quite a while to all meet up in the weather conditions so we did well to fill two bags in a seemingly clean and clear park. We dropped off our bags at the car park and made our way to the next Community Mission of the day. We promise Abbie that we will find you a task soon where you don’t get soaked in the rain!

Report written by John Hayes

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Composting and other tasks for Friends of the Earth

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:15
Led by Jonny Carter
1000 Trades

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