

Incredible kids and a side quest

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Islington.

  • Madhan
Sunday, 20th of August 2023

After quenching my thirst with the Sprite which Ms.M of Hackney gave, I went to another Borough, Islington this time, to meet Ms.T.

The Mission was the shortest mission I've done so far but reaching Ms.T's house was a bit tricky.

Level 1

I had to cross multiple levels. On level 1 I needed to find the entrance to the estate, the gates were locked and needed an access card to open. There were some kids playing nearby who were about to enter the estate. I enquired them about the access and one of the kid's mom opened the main entrance and tailgated them. Then I explained why I was there for the mom.

Level 2

Level 2 was to open the gates to the stairs. I pressed the door no and waited for Ms.T the open the doors. After multiple unsuccessful attempts, I planned to call Ms. T. The kids came to the rescue again. They knew Ms.T and one girl asked me to wait and got the access key from her mom and let me in. Then they showed me the way to Ms.T's house.

Level 3

Level 3 was to enter Ms.T's house. I pressed the doorbell 3 times and knocked on the door. The kids who helped me earlier said that she is elderly and can't hear well. So I resorted to the final option, which was to give her a call. Ms.T picked up her phone and let me in.

After finally entering the house, Ms.T said she is not feeling great as she is on medication and said that the bulbs have been fitted already. The guy who bought the bulbs helped her fit it.

She said I can help her with taking out the rubbish. It was a quick one and the the bag was very light. I dumped it via the estate's Garbage chute and started leaving. It was 1:10 pm when I left Ms.T's house.

For my 4th and final mission of the day, I had to go to another Borough, but I had plenty of time on my hand. It was at 4 pm. So I went to a nearby restaurant and had my lunch.

Side quest

After finishing my lunch at a Lebanese restaurant nearby and writing the report for the morning mission, I decided to walk to the Borough of Camden for my final mission from there. On the way, an elderly lady asked me for directions to the Community Centre. As I had some time, I showed her the way and walked with her to the place.

Note: It took more time to write this report than to do the mission

Report written by Madhan

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