
Community mission

If you can't stand the sweet, keep out of the kitchen 🧁

3 GoodGymers made their way to help the Ealing Soup Kitchen in Ealing.

  • Kash
  • StephDucat
  • Roberta
Friday, 29th of March 2024
Led by StephDucat

The Good Friday lunch at the Ealing Soup Kitchen didn't include any starters but it had early finishers. The meal ended before 3pm, and with the last of the clients served, the volunteers were offered food too. Steph, who prepared food in the kitchen, secured some fish, which was in high demand, for our gang.

Steph, along with the other ESK regulars, went ahead with the cleaning and wiped all the surfaces in the kitchen that were not going to be used anymore. The tables in the dining area started slowly disappearing and soon Henry the Hoover got on the floor.

Roberta, who didn't plan staying till the last shift, ended up being the first one to take out the rubbish and mop the floor. Kash went to the bins with the recycling waste and enjoyed destroying and compressing the cardboard boxes.

The special Easter ESK edition was wrapped up before 3pm and ended on a sweet note. The volunteers were treated to home baked cupcakes, leftover cake and surplus chocolate Easter Eggs. They will definitely have a sweet Easter time!

Report written by Kash

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Led by StephDucat

Runner(5km,10km,half, marathons, ultramarathon) and any distance available, walker, swimmer, diving, cycling and whatever challenges me.

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  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Kash

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Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Sevan
Bodyline Studio

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