

I can see clearly now the ivy has gone!

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Brighton.

  • Tara Shanahan
  • Michael Pirrie
Saturday, 22nd of September 2018

On Saturday morning myself and Tara met at Mrs. F's to tackle her out of control ivy. Her bathroom window had not been opened for years due to the overgrown ivy not to mention her gutter was becoming more and more blocked!

We set to with limited tools to pull away as much ivy as possible. After a few attempts we managed to reduce the deficit and clear the gutter. But with a bit more creative use of a broom and a two pronged attack we managed to make real progress. We chipped away at the mass of ivy and larger chunks started to fall away. The more we persisted the more satisfying the work got, we managed to strip off huge chunks at time, eventually filing four bin bags full of waste!

Mrs F.'s constant encouragement was the support we needed to clear the whole wall of the rampant ivy. She was delighted at the difference we made to her bathroom and was looking forward to much more light filled times in her bathroom!

After our hard work we enjoyed a well earned coffee with Mrs F as she discussed politics and her family before me and Tara ran home to complete a thoroughly satisfying mission!

Report written by Michael Pirrie

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Angel of Peace

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