
2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Hammersmith and Fulham.

  • Alan Armstrong
  • Kash
Thursday, 8th of December 2022

Alan was already in front of Ms A's house trying to keep warm when Kash stormed into the street. It was a bright, crisp Thursday morning in the Frozen Kingdom of Hammersmith, and the sun was just about up. The temperature dropped to -1°C, so Alan and Kash wouldn't say no to an indoor task. Alan was on a roll as he had already been doing good this week - in fact, less than 24 hours ago, on the Hounslow group run!

Ms A's carer came out of the house and guided the GoodGym team upstairs. The task ahead seemed very simple: swap the hospital bed, which was unfortunately positioned next to the door, with a regular single bed so that Ms A could enter her bedroom. Alan and Kash did some strategic thinking before diving into action. They unplugged all the hospital bed cables and removed a few other plugs in the room from their sockets in case other wires would get in the way. They took the mattress off the single bed and stood it on its side, then did the same with the bed itself. The hospital bed was heavy but did not cause much trouble. After it was delivered to its destination by the opposite wall, Alan and Kash plugged the cables back. Ta-da!

It was too simple, wasn't it?

The carer picked up the remote to adjust the angle of the hospital bed. The frame didn't move an inch! She started pressing the buttons but the bed refused to cooperate. Alan and Kash checked all the cables. Everything seemed fine. The light on the remote suggested it had power. The GoodGymers froze. Did they break a piece of super-expensive medical equipment? Alan dived under the bed and inspected the structural integrity of the frame. No signs of damage there!

"Is there a user manual?" Kash asked. "Let's google it!" proposed Alan and jumped right into the research. It took him less than a couple of minutes to download the instructions. The font was tiny! Zooming the in on the screen meant losing the illustrations from sight. Alan and Kash were both wearing their GoodGym personas, so no reading glasses on... whoops! Kash was the first to decipher the clues and find out about a safety key that had to be swiped across the remote after each time the bed was plugged into a power source. Bang - the device was unlocked!

After a quick test of the adjusting mechanism, the hospital bed was good to go. Alan and Kash were so excited they almost forgot to move the single bed and mattress into their new location! Hopefully, Ms A can finally return home tomorrow and enjoy her new setup.

Report written by Kash

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Anastasia Hancock
Anastasia Hancock
Friday December 9th, 2022 10:09

Wow Kash and Alan, amazing! I would never have been able to figure that out!

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