
Community mission

Bound to be a good one!

10 GoodGymers made their way to help the Petersham Common Conservators in Richmond.

  • Sam
  • Sarah-Jane Messenger
  • Richmond runner
  • Adam Stephens
  • Maena D'Auria
  • Richmond runner
  • Richmond runner
  • Ken MacKenzie
  • Liz
  • Steph Mills 1
Saturday, 23rd of March 2024
Led by Liz

A late change in the schedule saw the group meet at Petersham Common today where we have been helping task owner Ken to work on the traditional hedgerow this year. This is an amazing way to create a natural living habitat for the area, and it looks amazing too.

Ken has been working hard doing the bleaching and post placement so today we could just focus on the binding for the top using slim branches that can bend and flex around the posts. Split into three groups we managed to cover a large area in one sunny session before stepping back to admire our roadside handiwork with chocolates provided by Ken!

Report written by Liz

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Led by Liz

Movement, giving back, socialising, organising and spreading positivity. These things make me feel good and GoodGym has them all!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • Richmond runner
    • Sarah-Jane Messenger
    • Sam

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Helping to lay a path at the Sea Scouts HQ

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Lucy Hill
Tap Tavern

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