
Group run

GoodGym Brent Break the Mould

5 GoodGymers made their way 5.0km to help their local community in Brent.

  • Ellie Hutch
  • Laura Lambert
  • Removed User
  • Peter
  • Rajwa El-Giathi
Monday, 30th of March 2015
Led by Pritesh Mistry

Rain thrashing on the roof was heard, but Goodgym Brent were not perturbed. Another wet and windy night, but red shirts in force, were up for a fight.

Before we leave we welcome the new and to the crew we introduce. Sadly we hear it’s Laura’s last run, she’s moving house, packing up, moving on. We’ll be sad to see her leave, but GoodGym Westminster, a new member they’ll receive.

Out into the cold for a race to task, no job is too big, you need only ask. Clocks turned forward bring the light, we can be seen now as we charge the night. Back to old friends at Harlsden Town Gardens, arriving on time, no need for pardons. Bob and Linda greet us at the gate, there’s plenty to do, no time to hesitate. Straight to work and there’s jobs galore. We don’t care “Give us some more!”

Moving benches, clearing trash, on our backs the rain did lash.

Onto the main job of the night, wash the walls down and scrub them right. Paint on the anti-fungal solution, don’t breathe it in, that smell of pollution. Splash it on well, scrub and paint. We've got a sweat on, coz slackers we aint. Bob is so happy to see us try, we are pleased to help, he is a "Fun-guy"

Ellie trying her best to DJ, it’s Scissor Sisters she wants to play. Throw in some Michael Jackson too and Jessie J, “Do it like a Dude”. 40mins has quickly passed. Yes, "Get in", we completed the task.

Now moving onto playground circuits, “Use Your Run” it will be worth it, in summer when you’re looking hot and all the winter coach potatoes are simply not. Bench jumps, pull-ups, sprints and core, 100 crunches and a whole lot more.

Time to go, lets split to the gate, back to Willesden we can’t be late. 2miles back, we move as a pack., weaving through roads, swiftly, on our toes.

Monday night means only one thing, Brent is alive with the power of GoodGym. We use our run to help our hood. Getting fit and doing good.

Discuss this report

Tuesday March 31st, 2015 10:41

love the bench picture - nice one you lot

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GG Brent - Clitterhouse gardening sesh!

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Tabitha Skinner
Beer and Burger

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