

Going Spare 👑

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Camden.

  • Bethan Critchley
Thursday, 28th of September 2023

Ms F was delighted to see me again - she told me she hadn't had any help with her shopping for a few weeks, so she was extra grateful for the assistance today. We talked through her shopping list as we did last time I visited, and she sent me on my way to Waitrose with her mobile phone so that I could use some vouchers to save a few pennies for her. I managed to pick up all but a notepad and some breaded haddock, but Ms F was happy and assured me that the food I had picked up would keep her going for a while.

Once I'd carried the heavy shopping into her kitchen, Ms F asked if I had 5 minutes to help her with a bit of online shopping. She explained that she wanted to buy a copy of Prince Harry's memoir Spare, but it was very expensive in the local bookshops so she wanted to get a copy ordered online. Unfortunately Ms F had managed to add 3 copies of the book to her Amazon basket and wasn't sure how to sort it out, she had become quite frustrated with it and decided to leave it until I visited her to see if I could help. We sat down together at her dining table and after resetting her password and entering her new bank card details, we managed to order her a copy. She really seemed made up that we'd sorted it out; it reminded me of the times I have sat down with my Gran to help her with her laptop so it was a rewarding experience for us both I think. 😊

Just as we got the order confirmation through, one of Ms F's friends called her to catch up, so I said a quick goodbye and was on my way again.

Report written by Bethan Critchley

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Wednesday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Alex Murtough

Opposite Barbican Underground Station

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