
Community mission

Gazeboed there, done that

5 GoodGymers made their way to help the Love Wavertree in Liverpool.

  • Eimear McClafferty
  • John Connaghan
  • Ema Quinn
  • Heetu
  • Mairead Mary McCormack
Sunday, 12th of June 2022
Led by Ema Quinn

Love Wavertree were hosting a quarterly street market today and Goodgym got involved in the exciting preparation!

Helping Elke and Emma, we started into gazebo building! Six in total. Inspired by Mairead, leading by example, during a lull in out to dos, we all piled in to tidy up a mound of rubble and rubbish and leave things tidier. As stall owners arrived we helped them with their wares and the yard was looking like a street market in no time.

Well done all for helping out a local community group who are bringing positive changes.

Report written by John Connaghan

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Mairead Mary McCormack
Mairead Mary McCormack
Saturday July 2nd, 2022 03:44

Good work done t

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Ema Quinn
Led by Ema Quinn

(she/her) Liverpool Area Activator, mountain hiking beach wanderer at heart, a surprised runner, and wild swimming wannabe.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • John Connaghan

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