
Training session

G to the O to the O to the D to the G to the Y to the M

7 GoodGymers made their way 5.0km on a training session in Chelmsford.

  • Rich Walker
  • David Chatterjee
  • Fay Downing
  • Andy Holmes
  • Sallyann Jeffrey
  • Angela O'Brien
  • Jess Fairman
Sunday, 26th of May 2024
Led by Laurie Glendinning

Some may remember lockdown for different reasons, but i am sure most remember it for the GoodGym spelling challenge! You have to go for a run or walk to spell out GoodGym, and Laurie is the arbiter of taste (she married me so you know her taste is on point).

Fay was first out the blocks. Setting the tone for the event.

Jess took her route to the countryside. Some creative uses of a skip, and an additional point for posting hers in the strava group, which no one else did.

Sallyann went for the street name approach, the highlight was Mimosa Drive, she is never far away from the booze is she! Also got PTSD from beat the street! Great work.

Andy had a creative streak where his football knowledge is lacking, and went very inventive with shapes of the letters in everyday objects.

A stunning attempt by David, spelling out GoodGym while drinking beer and even giving Dukes a shoutout to bring tears to the eyes of those over 40.

Angela managed an effort despite having cycled 100 miles, and having to deal with Rich for seven hours. Bonus points were awarded. Rich also did a London one too but we don't award victories to Rich.

Leanne forgot the deadline and was surely a dark horse for the title if she had attempted.

And the winner is - with the grand prize of being able to be number one in the headcount at the next session....

ANDY! Judge's comments 'surprisingly creative, unique attempt. Great work everyone.'

I can also only apologise for the image choice. I didn't know what to use. I hope no one was reading this while eating.

Also sorry if we missed anyone! Let me know and the judges can reconvene.

Report written by David Chatterjee

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Fay Downing
Fay Downing
Tuesday May 28th, 2024 22:01

Well done Andy! 👏🏻

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Garden clearing at Meadow View Cottage

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Laurie Glendinning
Anglia Ruskin University

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