
Community mission

Fab Five at Farley

6 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Luton.

  • Gill
  • Kamal
  • Yasin Lutale
  • Musa Kamara
  • Mayra Torres
  • Lukyamuzi Ibrahim
Sunday, 21st of April 2024
Led by Gill

That was a mammoth task at Farley Community Centre but what a hoot.

Vera from Farley Big Local had asked Gill and Mayra to arrive at 10:30 and she soon had them making about 80 or more stuffing balls, carving the turkey and gammon and getting the vegetables ready to cook. At 11:30 Yasin, Musa , and Kamal arrived and soon got busy making sure everything was ready in the hall. Musa and Yasin were given the onerous task of mashing the potatoes, which they did with aplomb. At around 12.00 the guests started to arrive, and the whole team was busy serving drinks and making them feel welcome. Then it was on to waiting service to make sue that everyone was served with a steaming bowl of vegetable soup. The main course followed, a sumptous roast dinner and we were kept busy either dishing up or waiting. Fortunately between the main course and the pudding the guests had a game of bingo so we had a slight break - but then Vera asked if we could start the washing up - well Yasin took to his Marigolds like a duck to water. When the bingo was done we then served up the desserts and made sure everyone had top ups to their drinks. By the time dessert was over many of the guests were in a party moood and the dancing soon started. Little did we know that we were expected to join in and make some shapes. But being dilligent GoodGymers and not wanting to disappoint, we left Mayra with the washing up while Kamal, Gill and Mus joined the throng on the dance floor. Fortunately before we got too exhausted there was another break for more bingo and we were able to take a breather. After the last couple of dances the guests left with many of them stopping to say how well looked after they had been and how much they appreciated our help. Vera gave us all a bag of chocolates, but I think that was to bribe us to stay longer to help with the washing up and clearing up.

By about 4.30 the hall was empty and pristine, some of us were given our own dinner to enjoy in the peace and quiet before saying goodbye and heading home for a well deserved rest.

Well done team, you worked so hard for so long, but really made the event an absolute success.

Report written by Gill

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