
Group run

I'm going to Level with you, this task is the Best.

4 GoodGymers made their way 4.0km to help the Level Best Art Cafe in Colchester.

  • Tav
  • Vanessa Crannis
  • Becky
  • Frazer
Wednesday, 6th of December 2023
Led by Tav

An Elfy and jolly evening was had in the warm and welcoming Level Best Art Cafe. Our long-term friends who do wonders with adults with Learning Disabilities.

A huge GG Colchester welcome to Becky and welcome to Colchester and Balkerne Hill!!!

Our task was to wrap over 60 presents for the trainees to open next week! I will not give away what Santa has got them but I think I can smell a successful gift.

As we left Level Best we managed some Hill training, with a 75% effort and sprint triple and then conquered the whole of Balkerne Hill as a December treat. The ice was gathering on the pavements and we carefully jogged and jeffed home.

Report written by Tav

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Led by Tav

Kindness is a verb - do more kind.

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Cleaning Colchester Foodbank, Stanway

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Tav

20 Angora Business Park

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