
Community mission

Christmas ‘Decocrating’

4 GoodGymers made their way to help the Richmond Council in Richmond.

  • Anita
  • Rob
  • Richmond runner
  • Beth
Friday, 15th of December 2023
Led by Anita

Beth, Rob, Susana and Anita spent a Christmassy Friday lunchtime completing the festive ‘decocrating’ of our sponsored plot in Beuccleuch Gardens, Richmond.

Take a Bow Rob and Beth Starting at The Arcade, another 4 silver sashes were tied into bows and added to the wreaths that we had made on Monday’s Group Run Session.

Treemendous Feats of Decocrating by Susannah, Rob, Beth and Anita Inside the Arcade, we took two of the willow withie plant supports that had been made during previous sessions and transformed them into ‘Christmas trees’ using Ivy from Beuccleuch Gardens and decorations that Anita had bought from a car boot sale. Once ‘decocrated’, we carried our baby trees down to The Three Pigeons Plot and dug holes to secure them in place.

Dog (chew) Star A 50p car boot bargain was the star that went up in the Three Pigeons Insect Hotel. Anita was a bit worried that it had more the look of a sparkly dog chew than a ‘star of wonder’. Judge for yourself.

*Incredibaubles * Beth proved adept at untangling ropes of baubles and created a lovely halo of ‘decocrations’ around the dog- chew star.

A fun and rewarding GG Christmas Mission.

Report written by Anita

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Friday December 15th, 2023 17:01

It all looks amazing, what a great lunchtime job by all! ❤️

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Led by Anita

GoodGym Richmond TaskForce member

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Beth

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Helping to lay a path at the Sea Scouts HQ

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Lucy Hill
Tap Tavern

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