

Chip Off The Old Box

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Wandsworth.

  • Anastasia Hancock
  • Lucy Hill
Friday, 21st of April 2023

Ana and I had a lovely task for a Friday evening - helping Mr H move some boxes.

We met as the evening sun was shining down, and found our way to Mr H’s third floor flat. Mr H and his wife Mrs A were there to greet us and explain the task. They were having to move as the housing estate they lived in was being demolished in three weeks, so they had to make sure everything was packed up and ready to move to their new flat. Sadly Mrs A had Alzheimer’s disease and this was effecting the move, and Mr H was finding it hard to get things packed and moved out.

Luckily, GoodGym were here to help. Mr H was prepared three boxes ready to go downstairs into the pram shed, and a porters trolley to help carry the boxes. Ana and I loaded up and packed the boxes into the lift with Mr H alongside them. We then chased the elevator down and arrived on the ground floor as the lift doors opened. Crate timing! The boxes were then moved along and into the pram shed, locked away and ready to be loaded up into a van for the big move.

It didn’t seem like much, but it made a huge difference for Mr H and Mrs A. There was no way they could have moved those boxes alone! Mr H was impressed with how efficiently we managed to manoeuvre each box, and we explained to him this was the ‘gym’ part of GoodGym… who needs barbells when you’ve got moving boxes?! Obviously the ‘good’ was helping him out with our good deed.

We said our goodbyes, perhaps to see Mr H again to help with more moving. But until then, Ana and I headed home out into the golden hour, ready to enjoy our weekends.

Report written by Lucy Hill

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Saturday April 22nd, 2023 12:48

Sounds like a lovely mission to start the weekend. Great work both of you!

Anastasia Hancock
Anastasia Hancock
Saturday April 22nd, 2023 17:39

Crate timing 😂😂

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Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Anastasia Hancock

Battersea Arts Centre

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