Tower Hamlets


Brothers in Arms.

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Tower Hamlets.

  • Hilary
  • Nick Moore
Thursday, 16th of July 2020

The two Mr J's are brothers who sadly lost their elder brother last week and now, with one Mr J suffering from longterm illness such that he is no longer able to care for his other brother, it had been decided this brother should move into a nursing home on a permanent basis.

It was into this scene that Hilary and I stepped this morning ready to help as best we could, arriving in time to meet the two Mr J's in their kitchen and carry two suitcases, a small tv and Mr J's walking frame to the taxi that had just arrived outside. A carer from the nursing home also arrived at the same time as us (not wearing a mask, for which Mr J rightly gave her a good talking to) to accompany the other Mr J on his journey.

Fortunately the luggage was easy to move, and the Mr Js were well prepared with everything packed and ready to go - it was clear to us that the Mr J moving to the home was a reluctant passenger in all this, but had accepted it was for the best for them both. We had a chat with the other Mr J in his doorway to check he was okay and to see if he needed any more help - he thanked us both for coming, and then, with his brother and his possessions safely loaded, we watched the taxi depart.

"There's so many different worlds

So many different suns

And we have just one world

But we live in different ones"

Report written by Nick Moore

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Amy Pezet
Amy Pezet
Thursday July 16th, 2020 17:46

Beautiful report Nick and well done to the both of you for helping out with such an impactful task!

Thursday July 16th, 2020 21:30

Thanks Nick, that's a lovely report. Till the next one.

Removed User
Removed User
Saturday July 18th, 2020 10:33

Oh wow, this is sad, so glad you were able to help them.

Ellie Griffin
Ellie Griffin
Thursday July 23rd, 2020 11:20

Wonderful report Nick and great work Hilary.

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