
Group run

Brass Monkees!

17 GoodGymers made their way 6.0km to help the Suited for Success in Birmingham.

  • Morwenna Kearns
  • John Hayes
  • Aidan Wheeler
  • Jonny Carter
  • Paige Bradley
  • Rob
  • Abbie Wilson-Neal
  • Sam Hazell
  • Lee Swinerd
  • Andrew Tromans
  • Karin
  • David Halford
  • Aaron
  • Tin Ping Kan, Ken
  • John Paddington
  • Tom
  • Jeanette
Tuesday, 9th of January 2018
Led by Jonny Carter

17 people ran 6k to Suited for Success to drop off donations

On a freeeeeezing night in Brum it was awesome to have another big attendance of 17 runners braving the elements! We welcomed three newbies, John, Tom and Jeanette, it is great to have you all on board. After the introductions we were on our way to Suited for Success. It was just a short jaunt of half a mile, so we were there in no time. On arrival we were warmly greeted by Janice who was appreciative as ever of our donations. It was also great to hear her tell the group some heart-warming stories of how the donations help people get back into work.

back into the cold

It was now time to get back outside to get the rest of the run done. Outside was Taz from run Birmingham, who took a quick video of the group to show the Run Birmingham crew what we do. Check it out on the Run Birmingham Facebook page. We were now on our way again, Rob leading the way as he knows the ‘none dark bit of the canal route’ back very well! We then joined the canal on the lit part, before eventually arriving in St Paul’s square.

press ups, dips, sprints

Once in the square the group did a few sets of press ups and dips on the benches. Everyone working well. John put in a good stint on his first GG run, Morena and Lee smashed out the reverse dips and John H worked as hard as ever. Once that was done the group did laps around the church alternating between a ‘sprint lap’ and a ‘jog lap’. With the tight corners this was great training for any cross-country runners. The group did eight in total with the last two laps being a double sprint! Rob, Aaron, Aidan and Sam led the way, with Karin, Paige and Abbie putting in a good effort pushing each other round. Once done we had the short run back to base.

Goodbye Ken ☹

On a slightly sad note, it was Ken’s last GoodGym run for at least a while, as he is heading back to Malaysia next week. Ken has been a great member of the group, taking part in many group runs, joining us at parkruns and the Mo Run, so he will be greatly missed. Have a safe flight and if you are ever back in Birmingham you know where we are 😊

Next week we will be out doing good again, this will be our ‘long run’ of just over 10k to Fareshare, it would be great if you could join us sign up here.

Report written by Jonny Carter

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Leafleting for Change Kitchen

Tuesday 18:00 - 19:45
Led by Miriam
171 Pineapple Road

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