Kingston upon Thames

Community mission

Bin there, plogged that

3 GoodGymers made their way to help the YMCA Hawker in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Kate Haworth
  • Rob Haworth
Saturday, 23rd of February 2019
Led by Kingston upon Thames runner

How about a PPP?

PPP = Post Parkrun Plog, and we met with Kate still guzzling her super smoothie breakfast to do some plogging. As was the case with our previous plogs at the YMCA, we never actually made it to the towpath. Instead, we were kept squatting and picking by the car park and grass verges, filling our bags with cans, plastic, bottles, tissues: you name it, we plogged it!

Rob was wired from his speedy 5km and set about collecting a host of wires and cables, whereas Samia adopted a plogging specialism of kids' socks and gloves - oh the ethical dilemmas that this brings (do we leave it in case the child returns? How long does it look like it's been there for?). Meanwhile, Kate was true to her plogging form and moved into a bush, pulling out items and passing them to the bag. Now if only Kate's dreams could come true and she had a litter picking stick and shrub lifter-upper...

Three bags full, three bags emptied into the bins, and three goodgymmers done!

Report written by Kingston upon Thames runner

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Create a window display for the British Heart Foundation shop

Tuesday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Rachel White
The Quaker Centre

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