

Bedknobs and Broken Broomsticks

2 GoodGymers made their way 6.0km to help an isolated older person in Worthing.

  • Belinda Robinson
  • Beth Nelson
Saturday, 19th of August 2017

The two B’s – Belinda and Beth visited Ms G to help her out with some tasks in and around her house. After introducing ourselves we were first asked by Ms G to complete a quick litter pick of her front garden before being asked to tackle her mossy side path.

Using some makeshift tools we scraped and swept away the slippy and dangerous moss – in Beth’s case so enthusiastically that she broke the broom! The moss had very much made itself at home on the path and had become a home to many worms and small creatures, many of which we saved, named and re-homed.

Once we had wormed our way out of the moss we then headed inside to help make her bed – something Ms G struggles to do due to her recent shoulder operation. We had a lovely chat about how long she had lived in the house and what it was like when she first moved in.

We were then asked to help move the sides of some aviary cages from the patio into her shed. A chuckle brothers set-up of ‘to me..to you’ occurred with Belinda passing the cage sides to Beth who was stood in the shed; at one stage Belinda threatened to leave Beth there to which Ms G responded “she’d feel sorry for Beth if that happened”. After a bit of shed Tetris we successfully managed to get everything she asked us to get inside and Beth managed to escape. Out of the blue the heavens opened and we all made a quick retreat inside.

After a brief final chat with Ms G we then said our goodbyes and she thanked us for giving her the peace of mind that these tasks had now been done and said she was looking forward to having a comfortable night’s sleep! A successful few hours, first mission accomplished!

Report written by Beth Nelson

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Belinda Robinson
Belinda Robinson
Sunday August 20th, 2017 12:38

Great report & some classic puns!

Monday August 21st, 2017 09:22

Awesome work B and B !!

Monday August 21st, 2017 09:23

Also great photos !

Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 18:59

great stuff you two!

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