
Group run

Bag it up, bag it in, let me begin...

5 GoodGymers made their way 7.9km to help the Sustrans Rangers Sheffield in Sheffield.

  • Tom Mutton
  • Rachel
  • Sheffield runner
  • Celine
  • Tarj
Monday, 6th of November 2023
Led by Tom Mutton

Unfortunately tonights scheduled task to help our good friends at SUSTRANS had to be canceled last minute due to family matters of task owner. Family must come first and we wish them all well.

We managed to source a back up task however and headed to Park Hills secret bunker to get tooled up with litter pickers, bags and hoops for a litter pick of the area.

As it was the day after bonfire night there were plenty of used fireworks to collect and bin as well as a lot of No2 dispensers which weigh a lot!

We did a good complete circuit of Park Hill flats all collecting a decent hall before calling it a night.

We passed a lovely authentic Indian street food spot on route called 5TARA and decided to follow our run up with some delicious food which went down a treat and left us wanting to come back for more in the future!

Until next time, happy running :)

Report written by Tom Mutton

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she/her or they/them
Tuesday November 7th, 2023 11:37

Thanks Tom - I love this restaurant!

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Tom Mutton
Led by Tom Mutton

Sheffield Area Activator. PT, England Athletics Coach in Running Fitness & Tutor.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Celine

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Heeley People's Park - Preparing for the Handlebards!

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Tom Mutton
Showroom Cinema

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