
Group run

And that's a wrap!

4 GoodGymers made their way 7km to help the Salvation Army in Ipswich.

  • Eleanor Redgrave
  • Paul Horne
  • Natasha Kerry
  • Natalie
Tuesday, 12th of December 2023
Led by Natalie

We got in the festive flow tonight as we headed off to wrap presents for the salvation army.

Quickly dividing ourselves into 2 teams of 2, we were wrapping machines. Eleanor and Natasha made up the first formidable duo whilst Paul and I comprising the second.

Within minutes the competitive spirit surfaced as to which team could wrap fastest and neatest - although it seems those two things don't always go hand in hand.

Right on the button of an hour spent et voila.... a bounty of *beautifully wrapped gifts

Full credit to Eleanor for the pun too... credit where credit is due.

Great work everyone. Think Father Christmas still needs some helpers ...?

*not all presents wrapped by Natalie can be described as perfectly executed ..

Report written by Natalie

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Paul Horne
Paul Horne
Tuesday December 12th, 2023 21:18

I may not have been any use at wrapping but I was present

Wednesday December 13th, 2023 17:50

I'll use that pun next year, Paul. Good to see you!

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