
Community mission

All I want for Christmas is some bolt cutters!

2 GoodGymers made their way to help the Urban Green Newcastle in Newcastle.

  • Aimee
  • Thamani
Saturday, 9th of December 2023
Led by Aimee

On a wet Saturday morning two goodgymers helped out Urban Green with Winter tree works in in St Lawrence Park. Well done Thamani on your first Goodgym Community mission in the this weather as well!

We were continuing with the work we were doing three weeks ago, cutting down the bushes at the top edge of the park to increase the line of sight into the park to allow park users to feel safer. We were just letting the cutting stay where they were for wildlife. When we were cutting Mike, the task owner, unearthed a discarded pair of bolt cutters in the bushes!

Mike was all Christmassy in a santa hat and have brought christmas crackers and mince pies for the tea break! The tissue paper hats did not hold up well in the rain but it was fun trying to put them on!

After the break we finished up the bit we were doing and then trimmed the brushes round a triangle. of bushes in a different part of the park. You can't really tell how much neater it looked after on the the pictures but it was very satisfying.

Mike was teaching us how to identify the different type of trees in the park looking at the bark, leaves, berries and way the branches grow.

If you want to get involved there is winter tree work with Urban Green at Hodgkin park morning and there is also Mowbray Park junior parkrun tomorrow morning

Report written by Aimee

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Monday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Anji Andrews

Stepney Bank Stables

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