
Community mission

Absolutely sleigh-ing it for Round Table and Pass The Smile

3 GoodGymers made their way to help the Pass the Smile and Hearsall Academy in Coventry.

  • Allan Mansfield
  • Graeme Papa Strumpf Mulvaney
  • James
Monday, 4th of December 2023
Led by Laura Denham

The weather was not exactly festive this evening, as 3 GoodGymers met up with representatives from The Round Table and Pass The Smile to accompany Santa on his rounds around Kenilworth to collect money for the Pass The Smile charity and help the local children to meet Santa.

Following a quick safety brief and the distribution of hi-viz and collecting buckets, Santa pulled up in his sleigh along with... another Santa! Typical! You wait all year for Christmas, then 2 Santas turn up at once! Having established that our second Santa was one of Santa's representatives (who was covering another engagement) we accompanied the real Santa and began knocking on doors.

Having walked roughly 4.5 miles and filled our collecting buckets it was time for Santa to depart for his next engagement. He's got a fair bit to do over the next few days...

With Santa whizzing back to the North Pole, we turned our attention to drying out, warming up and replacing lost fluids in one of Kenilworth's many hostelries. Merry Christmas!

Report written by Allan Mansfield

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Graeme Papa Strumpf Mulvaney
Graeme Papa Strumpf Mulvaney
Tuesday December 5th, 2023 07:41

It was lovely seeing kids get so excited about Saaaaaaannnnnnnnntaaaaaaaaah!

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Laura Denham
Led by Laura Denham

Likes being out in the fresh air, running, socialising and spreading kindness. Favourite quote, 'Be the change you want to see in the world'

GoodGymers helping out
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    Take photos for the session report

    • James

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Sorting at Clothing Coventry

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Laura Denham
Coventry Boys and Girls Club

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