

A trifling matzo 🍨🫓

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Barnet.

  • Danny
  • Kat
Friday, 15th of April 2022

It was such a pleasure to meet Mr R today and spend a few hours to help him get set up for Passover, which is starting this weekend.

Alongside cleaning the place down and laying out mats on all the food surfaces, it meant swapping out all the food preparing and eating equipment with a whole different set, which is only used on Passover. The physical lifting and logistics in a small flat meant Mr. R wouldn’t be able to do it alone.

He was so warm and gracious and even sent us away with a box of matzo, which we started on immediately we left. We also got to have a nice long walk in the sun, have some lunch out and witnessed the extraordinary sight of a load of bees who’d lost their mummy, so were waiting by a lamp post together.

Report written by Danny

In partnership with British Red Cross.

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Tuesday 18:45 - 20:15
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Phoenix Cinema

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