
Group run

A slight change of plan - making the staffroom spick and span

6 GoodGymers made their way 9km to help the Blue Cross Suffolk in Ipswich.

  • Lucy
  • Natasha Kerry
  • Natalie
  • Ipswich runner
  • Leanne Nixon
  • Carmen Ortiz
Monday, 25th of September 2023
Led by Natalie

A great turn out at Good Gym Ipswich tonight on one of the hillier routes, too.

Welcome to first time Good Gymers Leanne and Carmen- great to meet you! And welcome back Bruce and Imogen after the Summer break. Fantastic to have you back.

One long hill completed the run to reach Blue Cross Animal Rehoming Centre but we were rewarded by a warm welcome by Tracey who has everything prepped for us to get going. Due to light levels there was a change of task and we set about cleaning the foyer and staff room. Floors were mopped and hoovered, surfaces cleaned, fridges wiped down. With so many busy hands we made light work of it and got the job done with ease. Talking of light, there definitely has been a change in season as it was much darker on the way back. More hi-vis needed!

Great work gang and note for next time : leave five extra minutes and glimpse something cute and fluffy....

Report written by Natalie

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Carmen Ortiz
Carmen Ortiz
Monday September 25th, 2023 20:59

Awww this is lovely, Natalie. Thanks 😊

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