
Group run

First they were three

4 GoodGymers made their way 7.7km to help their local community in Woking.

  • Woking runner
  • Adam
  • James McCloud
  • Lauren
Wednesday, 15th of March 2023
Led by James McCloud

James and Laura joined me to go for a 7 kms run as our Group Run was cancelled again. Holly had a surprise birthday treat so could not join us and only two GoodGymers had initially signed up.

Despite the rain, the three of us met at the leisure centre and decided to do the David Lloyd Route with a twist: going along the Hoe instead of Westfield Avenue. Adam would join us later as he had been working late. We messaged him to keep him updated (as well as the whole Woking GG runners) but we could not see him.

To add to the adventure and to give Adam time to catch us up, James included some Fartlek training.

Then we convinced Lauren to do the loop a second time to give Adam time to meet us. This is when, along the Hoe, we saw many many toads on the path… James picked one up but neither Lauren nor I wanted to kiss it…

After all, it was a toad and not a frog, so no chance for it to turn into a beautiful prince. Finally, avoiding the crowd of toads and running a few miles, Adam joined us for our last long stretch of running.

Well done to Lauren who had trained a lot all week and finished this double circuit with a big smile. All good to get ready for the Brighton 10 kms in two weeks!

Bravo to James and Adam who ran the Surrey Half last week, to Wayne who cheered all the runners as I was volunteering at the finish line.

Best wishes to James who will take part in the Weymouth 10 kms on Sunday.

Next Wednesday we will meet at the Leisure Centre, then cycle or walk/run to Beaufort Primary School to do some gardening. See you then!

Next week we are heading to Beaufort Primary school. If you are wanting to ride your bike then please bring it along and I will put a route out for you to take which is longer than the run.

Report written by Woking runner

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James McCloud
Led by James McCloud

GoodGym Woking Run Leader

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Woking runner
  • Back markers

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Lauren
    • Adam
    • Woking runner

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Woking Food Bank

Thursday 19:00 - 20:00
Led by Wayne
Woking Leisure Centre

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