Leaf Collecting by Torchlight...

Supporting the work of Eden Rose Coppice Trust

Date and time
18:00 - 20:00
Tuesday, 28th of November 2023
Who this task will support
Eden Rose Coppice Trust
Eden-Rose Coppice Trust who manage Brickmakers Wood is a registered charity that restores neglected urban woodlands in order to provide effective restorative specific environments for cancer care. To get to the stage of a beautiful, tranquil woodland, they invite vulnerable children and adults, local businesses and the local community to be a part of restoration process.


Please note that this group run has been cancelled.


  1. THIS TASK IS WEATHER DEPENDENT. The final call will be made by the end of the day prior (Monday). All sign-ups will be emailed if it is being postponed but please check your emails or sign up to the whatsapp group for up to date info :)

  2. Please bring a head torch or hand-held light and gardening gloves if you have then.

Nothings says Autumn than leaf collecting by torch light!

We will be collecting leaves for the Eden Rose Coppice Trust The are trying to save as many leaves as possible to turn into leaf mould, as it is a precious resource for the garden areas and for munching trees and shrubs.

Meet: 6.00pm, by the Question Mark outside the University of Suffolk Waterfront Building.

We will be heading to Brickmakers Wood next to the cycle path that runs next to University of Suffolk.



Tuesday November 28th, 2023 12:46

The Trustees of the charity and the task owners have requested this task be cancelled. They are concerned that the dark / lack of lit areas is a source of danger. Huge apologies for the inconvenience

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This is a GoodGym group run, where we run to help a local community organisation and then run back.

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Date and time
18:00 - 20:00
Tuesday, 28th of November 2023
Who this task will support
Eden Rose Coppice Trust
Eden-Rose Coppice Trust who manage Brickmakers Wood is a registered charity that restores neglected urban woodlands in order to provide effective restorative specific environments for cancer care. To get to the stage of a beautiful, tranquil woodland, they invite vulnerable children and adults, local businesses and the local community to be a part of restoration process.


Sign up by 6:30pm on Monday 27th November so we can let Natalie know who to expect.

Ideal for beginners

University of Suffolk, Waterfront Building
19 Neptune Quay,

Led by Natalie

GoodGym Ipswich Trainer

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