GoodGym H&F goes virtual!

Stay happy, stay fit, stay home!

United Kingdom
Date and time
23:59 - 23:59
Sunday, 29th of March 2020

Hey GoodGym H&F! To help us all stay active, care for our mental wellbeing & stay socially connected during these times of isolation I've put together a little plan for the week (it will get updated every Sunday evening).

Firstly, don't forget to complete the new missions training module 👉: & lookout for upcoming missions near you:

Monday - Mindfulness Monday 🧠

Spend 30 mins focusing on the health & wellbeing of your mind. Switch off from the world, read a book, meditate, have a bath, whatever works for you! - you could use an app for some guided meditation or mindfulness (such as Headspace or Calm).

Tuesday - Virtual GoodGym H&F! 🌍 please do so alone as per the Govt guidelines!

  1. Run 5km.
  2. Environmental task: either collect 1 bin bag of rubbish OR ensure all electronic appliances not in use are unplugged.
  3. Fitness: complete a wall-sit & pyramid fitness session: 10 x jumping jacks, 9 x frog jumps, 8 x lunges / power lunges, 7 x crunches, 6 x press-ups, 5 x squats / power squats, 4 x mountain climbers, 3 x inchworms, 2 x Russian twists, 1 x burpee (and repeat back up the pyramid).

This week's bonus challenges...find a road beginning with 'H' & complete some Strava art. Please post your pictures on your Strava run.

Join the GoodGym H&F Strava club: so everyone can see them!

Wednesday - Fitness down to a spine art Wednesday 🌵

Sarah's Core Curriculum at 7pm** - a core strength & stability session that's kind on your spine:

Thursday - Thoughtful Thursday 💭

Read & share positive articles - such as one from Aine's PA media here:, share old photo memories on a Strava run & message/call/organise a virtual meet-up with a relative or friend you've not spoken to in a while.

Friday - Friday Feels! 💪

Beth's 'All-round' body workout at 7pm:

Saturday - Speedy Saturday 🏃💨

parkrun quiz at 9am:

Speedy will lead either a virtual speed session or home fitness workout (link to follow).

Sunday - Stretch it out Sunday 🧘

A yoga-ish stretch session to finish the week! (link to follow)

Who's going

  • Emily Oldfield


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United Kingdom
Date and time
23:59 - 23:59
Sunday, 29th of March 2020

United Kingdom

Beth Nelson
Led by Beth Nelson

GoodGym Hammersmith and Fulham Run Leader

What to look out for

Age Restriction

GoodGym welcomes anyone aged 18 or over. If you are under 18 then you will be unable to participate in any GoodGym activity

Make sure you've read our general guidelines for safety when running and at a task.

This event is organised by your Taskforce, a group of experienced GoodGym members in your area, they are not responsible for your safety. You should feel confident to participate in the event as it is described and you do so at your own risk.

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