Monday 14th October 2024
Report written by Anita (she/her)
The Second Monday of the Month meant that GoodGym Richmond’s Group Run took us to our sponsored riverside plots in Buccleuch Gardens. Fantastic to have such a great squad of GG Richmond/ Buccleuch Gardens regulars including many who were involved when we first took on the task of transforming The Three Pigeons Plot back in September 2019, on GoodGym’s 10th ‘Super Saturday’ Anniversary and who helped to build our iconic Insect Hotel.
The task kicked off with 10 minutes of weeding around the perimeter of The Three Pigeons Plot before the whole GG Richmond squad headed towards The Arcade and split into teams to focus on the compost heap and rebuilding/strengthening two of the ‘twiggy barricades’ that deter people from stomping on the plants.
Thanks to Sam who led the Group Run from and then back to The Tap Tavern, where we had our Group social afterwards (and a shout out for the limited edition cider on tap at The Tap: Sea Witch Sticky Toffee Apple Cider).
The next GG Richmond ‘second Monday’ Group Run tasks in Buccleuch Gardens will be on Monday 11th November and Monday 9th December.
And if you are free anytime between 6-7pm on Wednesday 30th October, sign up and drop by for a special ‘Spook Night Mission’ in Buccleuch Gardens where we will be decorating The Arcade ready for Halloween.
Improving the natural habitat of the Ham Lands nature reserve