Deliver groceries for Ms A

This will help her get the food she needs

Confidential location in Southwark.

The address will be sent to you when the mission is confirmed.

Date and time
13:00 - 14:30
Saturday, 21st of November 2020

GoodGym have been asked by South London Cares to help Ms A with her grocery shopping. She will be paying in cash, up to the £20 limit. Ms A usually shops at Tesco, so they should have the items on this list: 2 oranges, 3 bananas, 1 packet of chipolata sausages, 3 small brown onions, a small air freshener spray, 1 medium loaf of wholemeal bread (slice pan), 1 Daily Mail paper with the magazine, 6 eggs, 1 packet with 6 slices of thick bacon, 2 boneless cod fillets, a tin of "chunky Tuscan inspired bean soup" (if they have it, thick vegetable soup if not), 3 small green apples, 2 lemons, 2 rolls of 'Plenty' kitchen paper.

Who's going

  • Miguella Mark-Carew


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Confidential location in Southwark.

The address will be sent to you when the mission is confirmed.

Date and time
13:00 - 14:30
Saturday, 21st of November 2020

Sign up by 1:00pm on Friday 20th November

Confirmation email will be sent by Friday evening

Confidential location in Southwark. Approximate location to the nearest 150m shown

What to look out for

Age Restriction

GoodGym welcomes anyone aged 18 or over. If you are under 18 then you will be unable to participate in any GoodGym activity

Make sure you've read our general guidelines for safety when running and at a task.

This mission was from a referrer who states that they know Ms A of SE1's behaviour and environment enough to say that they do not pose a risk to you. No mission is ever completely safe; to make sure you are safe, please ensure you have read the information below, and that you are confident in your missions training. It is possible that Ms A of SE1’s situation may have changed or that the referrer has not identified any potential risk.
By signing up to this mission, you agree for GoodGym to share your email address with other GoodGymers signed up on the mission.

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